Fast Click SQL Lite v1.1.2 - Esybdjob.Com

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Friday, June 19, 2015

Fast Click SQL Lite v1.1.2


Fast Click SQL Lite v1.1.2

Fast Click SQL is a powerful tool for counting and analyzing the visitor's clicks on your web site links. It's generates detailed statistics for clicks for any period of time that your need (from 1 hour to 1 year and above). Anything that can be hyperlinked can be counted with Fast Click SQL.

* Easy installation and configuration
* Convenient link management interface (add,edit,rename,delete)
* Use both local and global links
* One script for any type of links
* Realtime statistics
* Statistics for any intervals of time
* Different types of statistics
* Supports groups of the links
* Works fast
* and many more...

System Requirements:
* PHP4 or newer
* MySQL server

1. Unpack the Fast Click SQL archive, using directory names.
2. Upload all files to the directory that you want them
installed in (ie. /fclick). Make sure that you are
uploading in ASCII mode.
3. Set permissions for directories and files.
These directories need permission 777:
- directory where your php scripts will live (/fclick);
Setting permissions for other directories and
files are not required on most servers.
4. You are now ready to begin the WWW based portion of the
setup. In your browser, type in the full URL to the
/fclick/admin/admin.php file on your server. This will
bring up the portion of the script where you will set
some variables.
5. You should now be ready to begin using the scripts. The first
thing you will want to do is point your browser to admin.php.
Login using entered password. Once inside the admin script you
can start exploring the features.
6. In "Database/Links" section you have to add the links that you
want to track. After that you must replace the URL code of the
links on your web site pages. Feel free to edit the received
URL code if it is necessary (linking text, style, color and
other setting).
7. That's All.

1. Before you can track a link you have to add it
to your database:
a) On admin page
2. To count clicks use:
your link
your link
where ID - your link id
3. To show link or group counter you may use Counter Generator
Goto Administration Panel -> Tools -> Counter Generator
Setup options and click button "Generate". Insert the
received code into your page. It's all!


To show link counter statistic enter

or with SSI:

where ID - your link id
PERIOD - period of statistic.
(ie. 0 - for today,
1 - for today and yesterday,
7 - for week,
30 - for month,
you may use different values (0-10000...)
"total" - total of clicks,
Default is "total")
"fclick/" - relative path to fclick dir

To show category counter statistic enter

or with SSI:

where CID - your category id
PERIOD - period of statistic.
(ie. 0 - for today,
1 - for today and yesterday,
7 - for week,
30 - for month,
you may use different values (0-10000...)
"total" - total of clicks,
Default is "total")
"fclick/" - relative path to fclick dir

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